When I declared I was leaving, her response was, “But I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Now I find myself about to encounter winter for the first time this century. Looking for work is an extremely frustrating endeavor. This is a very easy fact for those with an income to forget. The temptation to wallow in self-pity is nearly overwhelming. At first, I’d resist by reminding myself that feeling sorry for myself didn’t make any sense since I’d gotten myself into this mess to begin with. But I’m beginning to realize that is also overstated. I will continue to persevere against all odds because that is what I’ve always done. Frankly, my willingness to defy a life of complacent resignation is how I am where I am, and that is something to be proud of. One of my favorite quotes comes from Theodore Roosevelt: “He who never fails rarely does anything.”
I will continue to move forward, living my life the only way I know: fearless.