Sunday, December 12, 2010

2010 Top 10

in chronological order:

Scotch tastings at Ian’s
Chant and Risa’s Oregon visit
Joseph Cornell exhibit at New Orleans Art Museum
Watching Portland Beavers games with the Lemon Ladies
Reuniting with college classmate Stefanie
Applejack cocktail tasting at my apt.
Surprise going away party in my honor
Meeting Makena and Ryder McLaughlin
Seeing Eric Sheldon and his family
Lance’s 40th birthday

Other awesome things included watching World Cup and playing a ton of disc golf. I also got to spend time in ten different states (traveling through several others) and live in three of them this year! AND THE GIANTS WON THE WORLD SERIES!!! 2010 has truly been a great year and I look forward to the next one.


Olive Bread said...

You sound... optimistic? Odd. Also, I can't believe Tron didn't make the list! End of line.

oudev oida said...

hmmm... memorial weekend Giants game didn't make the cut....