Thursday, September 6, 2007


What is the goal of the American free public education system? It is certainly not to help children become healthy, competent and capable adults. Rather, it is to teach us to respect authority, conformity, follow instructions and take direction.

Why? Because the corporations that rose during the Great Depression and have run this country since World War II rely on our ignorance and dependence. If we were taught basic survival skills such as sewing, carpentry, metalworking, plant and mineral identification, food preparation, combat, first aid, agriculture and livestock raising, not only would we not need to rely on corporations to provide us with these services, we would also not need to work for those corporations doing menial tasks for just enough pay to buy those services from them. If we were taught basic history such as government, actual world history, religious origins, fine arts history, philosophy and anthropology we would be able to recognize we live in a feudal system where money (and God) is a tool designed solely to confuse us into volunteer slavery, with bonuses proportional to the amount of stress we allow them to inflict, while being placated by a lottery which promises the possibility of escape. And if we were taught basic social skills such as politics, logic and reasoning, accounting, rhetoric, and foreign languages we would have the means to overthrow these powers that own us.

One advantage of our country having been founded by Protestants is that we are taught to read. Before Martin Luther, the ruling Catholic Church only taught the clergy how to read, guaranteeing no possibility of being self-informed. Unfortunately, most are too unmotivated to become self-informed, especially while being worn down by long work hours and then distracted by the mass media and entertainment owned by the corporations, which unsurprisingly have the frequent theme of reminding us that it is possible to win the lottery- while never giving us the odds. The few that do learn how this country operates and demonstrate effectiveness in attempting to do something about it are simply assassinated.

I am aware of accounts that have been shut down after making postings like these….

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