Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Puppy Close-Up Wide-Angle Lens

Many people might not realize I can have a huge bleeding heart. I tend to show my frustration at my inability to help others rather than the source of that frustration. It seems I’m surrounded by all these wonderful people who have been helplessly beaten down by their environment. My instincts are to fight back against the bullies who have used, abused, manipulated, tortured and raped these people. Leaving the dead to bury the dead, I have sought to rally troops and engage combat.

We fight hardest against that which we hate the most about ourselves.

Perhaps all victims of bullying need is a shoulder to lie on. Or cry in. I can be that supportive, nurturing person too, it turns out. One shouldn’t expect precious china which has been violently shattered to pieces and smashed into the ground to fix itself. I often whine that life doesn’t play by my rules, but I can’t even begin to imagine what some people have been through. I feel incapable, incompetent and confused. Perhaps I don’t need to know anything. Perhaps it’s better to focus on reflecting the beauty and love which still exists in abundance despite the bullies’ best efforts instead of continual reminders of the atrocities that have been committed.

I don’t think we should ignore bullies and hope they’ll go away. At the same time, victims must be reminded that they aren’t to blame.

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