Sunday, February 28, 2010


There exists people on this planet, I’d daresay on this selfsame street even, with whom I share literally nothing in common.

It is not at all difficult to imagine a tall, blonde, overweight, unimaginative, uninterested, conservative, religious, dim-witted, gullible, insecure, unhappy, credulous, bullying, patriotic, materialistic, image-conscious, married female who not only procreates but enjoys kids, prefers piss beer to whiskey, cosmopolitans to martinis (or doesn't drink), eats hamburgers and hot dogs with ketchup, can't stand spicy or ethnic foods, loves shopping and crowds and coffee shops, accumulates excessive debt, indulges in pedicures, goes out clubbing and dancing, reads romance novels, listens to pop music, follows football, watches television- especially American comedies, finds fake boobs and excessive make-up attractive, thinks mascots are cute, prefers dogs to cats, hates camping, is racist and homophobic, thinks jazz music is a bunch of racket, finds museums boring, enjoys small talk and fears death.

No, it is not surprising that the exact opposite of me exists, although I have to admit it is a little disturbing that the opposite of me describes about 30% of Americans.

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