Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I know enough about drumming that I can highlight the flaws of every drummer (Buddy Rich lacked subtlety; Max Roach lacked chops…). Furthermore, since I no longer play drums, I can declare once and for all that I am the greatest drummer of all time. It’s too bad that my best performances weren’t recorded so that one day, more discriminating and advanced cultures can discover my under-appreciated and under-recognized genius. I can only reminisce at my former greatness and cringe at the pathetic excuses for drummers I hear today. I tried to teach, but frankly it was beneath me. Like any good teacher, I sought to motivate my students with the fear that they really weren’t worth my time, which was true. It’s a shame, really, that I will never be able to appreciate music with drumming again, as I am constantly distracted by the burden of having the ability to do a better job than whomever the drummer is. But alas, since I see no point in actually picking up my drumsticks ever again, I guess I will just have to grudgingly settle for the plebiance of everybody else.


Anonymous said...

Andrew, more than 1,500 downloads of our trio performance on AAJ speaks to an irrefutable fact: your drumming stands the test of time. Nobody around here does what you do. More than a few of these cats sound like metronomes; there's a tendency to strive for the same effects in performance. Bottom line: use your virtuosity --move forward!

Rehearsals for the solo recording session are ongoing. I'm reading through some of the most difficult orchestral scores imaginable. All of this is keeping me in fighting trim.

Several years ago, Andrew Hill told me to keep focused, and that everything would work out. He also told me that as performers, we need to be ready to perform -- fully prepared to hit, in real-time. Priceless words, these.

oudev oida said...

Don't fret too much James; this blog isn't really about me at all. It's what they call a metaphor.

Although I'm far from fighting trim these days. No motivation to be, honestly.